Hi there.
I’m Huipei and welcome to my crafting corner of the internet. I picked up crocheting back in 2015 when I was a Paediatric emergency department junior doctor and I needed an outlet to relieve stress from crazy parents.
Fast forward a couple of years, when irony hit me and I myself became a crazy parent. After delivery, post-partum stress hit me badly, coupled with the constant breast feeding pumps and the carpal tunnel from all the bloating, crocheting became difficult for me.
Only after about 3 months, I could bring myself back to crocheting again. As my little one grew, my crocheting evolved with her and I had this newfound love for creating amis for her. Slowly and surely she started identifying the amigurumi characters I made. (Including this Grogu and Razor crest, yes yes she’s a Mando fan.)
Her toddling to preschool years were great sources of inspiration and they continue to be. In difficult times when going out to buy toys was not exactly easy, online shopping not exactly browsable, and cheap ‘disposable’ plastic toys being easily accessible, I turned to yarn to create heirlooms for my little one. Not to mention, now she even knows that she can request toys that don’t even exist in the market, lol.
So here’s my pitch to you, it’s a wonderful feeling to gift a personally handmade toy to a child and even more so when they love it. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to create something that they requested and you imagined in your head, something so unique that you wouldn’t even be able to buy online?