Free Ang Bao Printable!

I decided since I was going to release this Lion Dance Troupe just before Chinese New Year this year, just for fun I decided to come up with an ang bao design for Pocket Yarnlings!

Pocket Yarnlings Designs

All the designs you see on this website, on my patterns, my emails or anything you see design-related, it’s all done by yours truly actually :). Fun fact, when my husband and I were opening up our clinic, our logo, branding, website, namecard designs, “interior design” were also all done by me!

Ang Bao Design

An Ang Bao (or hong bao) refers to a red packet, which is a gift of money placed inside a red packet and given out during Chinese New Year. It is a symbol of luck, life and happiness and given as token of good wishes during this auspicious occasion.

So for fun, I decided to incorporate my latest pattern onto an ang bao design. While I was doing it, my husband saw it, went a little crazy and asked me to use the same design for our clinic ang bao. I changed up the Chinese words to something much more meaningful which was health in all seasons and then I changed the name at the bottom to Paddington Medical.

Also, our surnames are on the boys in the picture, which is also what our patients call us by, so I thought it was actually quite meaningful to use the same design for our clinic. See the back story for the Lion Dance Troupe set here.

DIY printing at home

These were mockups of what I designed and printed out at home, which you can grab and use too if you like it! It’s just a couple of days away… Just print, cut it up and glue down the sides and you have a DIY ang bao!

The mockup of how it looks like before printing. My printer comes out a little darker so the shade looks different from what I intended when I designed it. My husband went to take the other design and we got our usual clinic printer company to get it done on an ang bao!

pocketyarnlings ang bao design small JPG.jpg

Professional printer ang bao

As for our clinic one, it turned out like this below! There were a few iterations we went through with our printer company before I was satisfied but I think it turned looking like something I was proud to give out. There is a lot of meaning behind this particular set I made and I think it was very apt to incorporate this in with our clinic as well.

What do you think? Comment below and let me know what you think. I have come across some gaudy designs before which can happen with too much red and I was trying to avoid that here.

If you like it, download the free printable just below to get the PDF version. You can use it to give out to the little ones this Chinese New Year, to add some chinese festive cheer, which we all do need!


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