TNG Rank Pips and Pin detailing

Actually making the Starfleet uniform is pretty much the same for the whole TNG crew, minus the changes in colours. So I thought that adding in the rank pips will make for good differentiation and distinction.

Of course, Jean Luc has the highest rank in the ship as Captain with the most pips. As for how I did it - I initially tried using correction fluid but the white circles didn’t hold up too well. I subsequently used a white nail polish nib pen and after it dried, coloured over it with a gold pen.


This is the various ranks with respect to their pips. So technically, Riker and Beverly are both the same rank. Except when there’s an emergency and Crusher has even more authority than Picard. (Wonder if she’s going to be around for the new Picard series?)


Data’s pip was tricker because it was black in the middle. So after I coloured over the whole circle with a gold pen, I drew a dot down in middle with a black pen. Not too obvious here eh? There wasn’t a lot of room for more details 😂.

Then the pins were added. Riker was the previous generation I made and Picard was the next generation (no pun intended). I had sold off the first Picard I made (kudos to you fanboy picard88!).


The first round, I drew out the Starship logo onto a piece of cloth and painted it silver with a silver pen. The second round, I decided to try to use silver yarn to mould out the shape of the logo (not obvious enough?). Which is better you think?

So there, my mini TNG crew. Anyone else excited for the upcoming Picard series?!?!

Individual patterns here. Full bundled set below->


Starship Collection.


My First Craft Fair at Singapore Comic Con!