Free Duck Pattern!
My latest free pattern and isn’t she a pretty little duck? There are quite a few components here including her beak, wings, webbed feet, hat and even her flower on her hat! They all work up individually and have to be attached together so I would say there is a fair amount of assembling to do here.
Stackable Toys and why it’s great for children!
This is an interesting topic for me to talk about because I always found it a useful tool to measure children’s developmental milestones, at least when I’m in clinic doing developmental assessments. So I decided why not try incorporating crochet into it? So let’s talk about stackable toys for children, which can range from toddlers to preschoolers.
Colour Work complementing Amigurumis!
Oooh so this is something exciting that I’ve been trying out to complement some of my amigurumis. Some of my recent collections, I have been trying to include a sort of ‘container’ to house the amigurumis.